jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

A Competitive Dialogue

Some days ago I was asked to participate in an interview for a thesis.

I really liked the subject and I decided to participate. The thesis is about a practical view or a guide of best practices on the use of public contracting by using the Competitive Dialogue formula.

At the end of 2008 I took part of a process of this sort for a building construction in Andalusia. At the beginning the process seems to be the right one as we needed to negotiate certain technical and economical issues of the project, and also because it was a good way to "learn" in the process and of course to get the best solution.

I, who was working in private companies all my working life and used to work on RFQ and RFT, etc, saw this process like the more close formula to the "private" ones.

So, a first conclusion at this point could be that it is a good process when the some technical aspects of the project are uncertain. Of course, economical reason is an issue, as it is a good way to balance both aspects and get the best solution.

At that moment, there were no experiences on using this formula on public contracts and the law itself was really ambiguous. So we had to learn everything on the spot.

This thesis is going to be something very useful and practical. I am really looking forward to seeing the result and the conclusions, for sure.

He told me that very probably they will arranged a workshop to introduce the thesis and its book, so It will be a good opportunity for all of us involved in a process like that, to share the experience, and who knows if laughing or crying.

1 comentario:

  1. Is very clear on the public domain that "fixed prices for goods" is the best solution to avoid corruption, "unfixed services" is where the deal of best executor in quality to avoid the famous "chapuzada" including money in the pocket of the major of the city to obtain the
    parking systems inside the madrid city almendra,s as example..good point to slam corruption via publication of decision all political contracts reasons for youngs to learn. majete..
